Delaware, our Government, Economy, Finances, and Leadership

Speaking Engagement
New Castle, Delaware

On Friday, February 7, 2020, Morris Nichols partner Michael Houghton will join Leadership Delaware, Inc. (“LDI”) as part of a day-long leadership program around the themes of “Delaware, our Government, Economy, Finances, and Leadership.” The organization recruits and mentors outstanding young leaders in the First State who have the “stuff of leadership,” and Friday’s audience will primarily consist of the 2020 class of Leadership Delaware Fellows.

Mike is a past President of both the Delaware State Bar Association and the Uniform Law Commission and serves as chair of the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (“DEFAC”). His presentation, “DEFAC: Why, What, How, and Who,” will discuss the Delaware economy, DEFAC and its mission, and his personal leadership experiences in various positions both in Delaware and on the national stage.

Learn more about LDI and its fellowship program at


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