Recap of District of Delaware CLE Program with Circuit and District Court Judges

Client Alert

On May 13, 2014, the Intellectual Property Section of the Delaware Chapter of the Federal Bar Association hosted a CLE program featuring Chief Judge Randall Rader and Judge Timothy B. Dyk of the Federal Circuit, Judge Kent A. Jordan of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Judges Sue L. Robinson, Leonard P. Stark, and Richard G. Andrews of the District of Delaware, Chief Judge Leonard E. Davis of the Eastern District of Texas, and Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal of the Northern District of California.

The theme of the day was making patent litiga­tion more manageable and efficient in an effort to con­trol costs for all litigants and reduce abuses fostered by those high costs. Judge Stark presented findings of the District of Delaware’s Patent Study Group and changes in patent litigation procedures that are occurring as a result of the study. There were also discussions of stays pending inter partes review (“IPR”), attorneys’ fees af­ter recent Supreme Court decisions, and pending con­gressional initiatives to deal with patent litigation.

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